Sunday, September 9, 2007

Get your own data

Recently, we have been approached by a number of companies developing predictive behaviorial analytics engines to improve visitor conversion. Its part of site optimization. It many cases, their prospects use a 3rd party tagging solution and the data they need is probably being collected already, at aleast for off-line analysis. However, it turns out that these companies are reluctant to provide the raw data back to the client. It is not clear whether this is because the are not set up to do it or they want to develop this space themselves and this is a way to keep the competitors out! Either way, it is another reason to get your own data in-house. As web activity becomes less of a novelty and is more an integral part of the business, it becomes more imprortant to be able to join web traffic data to other sales and marketing data. Thsi is difficult to do if the data is in someone else's database and they are only allowing selective access.

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